Friday, June 19, 2009

Guess What?

I am going to see Sarah Dessen and Khy today!

Pictures and maybe videos will come later. Probably much later for the videos.

I'm nervous. This will be the first author I ever met and the first blogger buddy I have ever met, so yes, I am very nervous.


  1. It will be fun! I wish I lived close enough to other bloggers to be able to meet them.
    I am just now starting to read Sarah Dessen's books, too. Take lots of pictures!!

  2. I'm meeting Sarah Dessen too, but I'm going to the one in the evening. I hope you have an awesome time!!

  3. You'll have fun! Post lots of pics and videos!

  4. O.O Can you die of envy? I guess well find out...

  5. Yay Sarah and Khy! Can't wait for the pics and videos. :) Have an awesome time!

  6. can't wait for the pictures!!! Oh...and don't believe Khy, she likes to eat people!!


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