Jessica Darling is my new best friend! She is funny and wise and prudent. She is your dream best friend. When reading this book you will feel like you are having a girls night out with Jess and she is spilling everything that goes on in her "drear and tedious" life. Whereas, when Jessica is telling her tale to us loyal readers, her life is the most intriguing as ever.
I, personally, can and won't ever get enough of Miss Darling. Marcus either.
Don't you just love the affiliation between Marcus and Jessica? I sure do, thats for sure.
Megan McCafferty knows what she is doing without a doubt. I can only imagine what she was like in her teen years. McCarfferty can add zaniness and sincereness to these novels. One moment you'll have to be taking a 5 minute break just to stop laughing and the next you'll have to take a break because you couldn't believe what had just happened. Megan McCafferty will have twists and turns in these novels that you wont expect but will love and dislike (but love more) in set month. Look out!
I suggest reading the Jessica Darling series, or else you will miss out one a great view of your teen years. This stuff is just so real. you can't miss it.
Read On!