Pshh. Yeah, right.
So, on to the story:
I live in the way up, very top, of Northern Minnesota. Like right on the Minnesota and Canadian border. Really. I can see Canada by looking out my window. This winter, the Icebox (Which is what I call my town on here. American's you probably know what town this is.) got approximately 4 feet of snow this winter. Which is average, I think. This is only my second winter in the Icebox.
Anyhow, this last week or so, it has been 20 degrees and up, up to even 40 degrees one day! It was heaven. But not so much when you looked at the ground and couldn't step anywhere without getting your feet wet. Seriously. Spring time is not so great for the Icebox, as all the snow melts and we become a swamp.
Now, two days ago we had a storm come through. We got about an inch, maybe an inch an a half by Monday afternoon. Tuesday morning going out to the bus stop the snow reaches our ankles. But, hey, at least it's not snowing!
Until we get to school.
At around 8:30 a.m. yesterday morning, it started snowing again. And it snowed. And snowed. And snowed. It hadn't stopped snowing heavily since that morning. By then, I was getting out of school at 3:30 p.m. yesterday. Walking out to catch my bus, the wind was blowing, it was still snowing, and when we walked out of the building, the snow went a bit past our ankles. This was after they plowed the sidewalks this morning.
So I get home and take pictures for Carol to see. I want to show them here. But before I do, let's finish the story.
So, I get home at 3:40 p.m. and I go to bed at 10:15 p.m. It hadn't stopped snowing once.
Living in the Icebox means that we are prepared. After all that you would expect school to happen right? I didn't. It didn't happen when we had -50 F weather. I wasn't expecting it now. When I wake up at 6:45 a.m. this morning and go downstairs. My brother tells me that we have a 2 hour delay for school. Yay!
I go upstairs thinking I'll go back to sleep but I'm unable to. So I read Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta, my current read, until 8 a.m.
At 8 I go downstairs and go to our school website to see if it says what we're supposed to do when we get there after the 2 hour delay. So it was a schocked when it said:
School Cancelled 3/11/09
So here I am, right now, telling you. On to the pictures.
This is my font yard path a few weeks before when it was melting and there was ice and dirty snow and water everywhere.
This is my backyard last night when I got home. As you can see it was pretty dark out then already at 4 p.m. If your wondering, the red thing is a leash we put our dogs on to go out since we don't have a fence.
This is my front yard at 4 p.m. yesterday. Pretty big change, huh?
This is Maggie, my mom's black Labrador dog today.
This is Lance, my brothers new golden retriever puppy. The newest addition to my family's house of dogs. He is about 11 weeks old. Don't ask what the white thing in his mouth in the second picture is. Trust me, you don't wanna know. That's my leg sinking down in the snow in the first pic too. :)
This my baby, Tucker. He wasn't having as much fun because Lance kept trying to chew on him. He wasn't in the mood for playing around, but this is my baby. He's actually really fat if you look closely. He's my big boy. :)
This is Tucker and Lance. In the second picture it's of Lance getting ready to pounce on Tucker.
And these are more pictures of all the snow!
Hope you enjoyed it! I'm gonna go enjoy my day off!