Sunday, August 30, 2009

In My Mailbox (19)

Inspired by Alea, memefied by Kristi.

This week I only got three books.

Death by Bikini by Linda Gerber
  • I got this one back from Ashley who borrowed it.
Love is the Higher Law by David Levithan
  • I got this one for review. It was my first David Levithan book. I've already read it, it was a bit disappointing from all the high praise it's been getting I think.
  • I got this one for review, it was a bit of surprise, actually because I didn't know if I was getting it for review or not. I'm going to read it tonight (I wrote this at 11:53 on Saturday) and am really excited for it!


  1. Positively looks like it might be one of those books that is emotionally difficult to read - enjoy though - it is exciting that you got a copy! :)

  2. I want Positively, you're so lucky to get a copy. Happy reading tonight ^^

  3. The Deatth series look great. Hope you anjoy Positively!

  4. Positively was amazing! Enjoy it!(:

  5. they all sound like good books! Enjoy!
    My In My Mailbox is up Here


Good? Bad? Ugly? I don't care as long as you tell me!

(P.S. You might have to double click.)