Thursday, July 24, 2008


Hey everybody!

I have gotten an email from a fellow blogger and blog reader of mine that says my blog get's cut off after my review of Such a Pretty Girl by Laura Wiess. And you can't read anything on my sidebar. I would like to know if anybody else if having this problem with my blog. Because I checked and it's working fine for me. I just want to be aware so I could tell the people who work with blogger about this to get it fixed. My email is on the sidebar but I guess if you can't see it, it's kels(dot)m(dot)17(at)gmail(dot)com /



1 comment:

  1. I cant see a sidebar, and a review called Such a nice girl..or something like that, bets cut off.


Good? Bad? Ugly? I don't care as long as you tell me!

(P.S. You might have to double click.)