Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Hey everyone!

Summer's just about to end in a month already, can ya believe it? I can't. It feels like it should be at least June still.

But anyhow, the point of this post it to tell everyone that I will be leaving for San Francisco tomorrow morning for four days. And then this upcoming Sunday I'm going back home to Minnesota after more then two months in California with my grandparents. So I don't know when I'll post again. It might take a few days before I comfortable again but I hope to get going on my review books that have been piling up at home this summer. Along with the books that I bought this summer, which if you're wondering, as I know some of you are, I am shipping most of them in a big box that weighs 30 pounds and I have some in my luggage too. I just hope none of them get ruined.

What you can expect is two WoW posts that I already have scheduled and hopefully my T2T post for Ballads of Suburbia (GO BUY IT NOW!) if I can get it written. And if I don't: Don't hate me Yan!

Anyhow, I shall be back in a week at the latest! Thanks for hanging with me in this poorly posting summer on my blog.


  1. Eeep! Kelsey! You are leaving already! :(
    I hope you enjoyed CA!

  2. Summertime is always busy!

    Safe travels.

    L. Diane Wolfe


Good? Bad? Ugly? I don't care as long as you tell me!

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